I would agree with that. I think that having multiple classes represented within the government would greatly help equality in a society. However, at least in the case of the United States presently, I believe it would not be possible. It costs millions to run for office (at least, Presidential office) and, needless to say, someone from a poor community would not have enough money. They couldn't pay for the campaign ads and whatnot. We also have to consider that many people who run for an office have had very expensive, higher educations. At least this is achievable through financial aid and scholarships, but then we return to the issue of raising money for the campaign itself.
I would enjoy having more diverse classes in office, but right now I don't think it would be possible. What changes in society would have to take place for this to be possible?
"There is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life." -Tombstone