Friday, February 12, 2010


This is a response to Bryan Acton's blog. The question: "Is there any situation in life when you should not act passively towards aggressors? And, If so, when should you not act passively?"

I believe that if your health and life are in serious danger, that would be the time to stop being passive aggressive. Say you are being attacked repeatedly by someone and you have not struck back, but now you are on the ground and being kicked. I'd say that would be an ideal time to give one solid kick or punch to them. Just enough so that you can run away. There is no need to be excessive. All that would matter in a situation like that is getting out in good health. Perhaps some people, such as Gandhi, would disagree, saying that violence is never an answer. Surely Gandhi was an admirable figure, but personally I would fight back at that point rather than risk my well-being any further. Again, I wouldn't fight excessively, just enough to escape. And if I ever saw my attacker again, I wouldn't feel a need to attack them back. Don't be excessive, but keep safe. I believe that should be a rule of being passive-aggressive.

Then there are extreme situations such as military, where being passive aggressive is not the best idea (usually.) Though if someone is uncomfortable with violence, they probably shouldn't be in the military anyway.

Attacking people is, of course, not a good thing. I think I will end with a question that combines this and what we have been talking about in class (religion): If there was no reward (ex. Heaven) for doing good, would we do wrong more often?


"There is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life." -Tombstone

(n) Chris-tian [kris-chuh n]

How do you define Christian? This was a question brought up in class today. I would say that anyone who believes in the teachings of Christ qualifies. However, this can be taken many different ways: Do they have to believe Christ is the son of God? I say no, though of course everyone has a different opinion. With so many different interpretations of the Bible and people carrying out its commands in different ways, I believe finding one definition of "Christian" is impossible. Does someone have to believe in God and Jesus' divinity? Just God? None of the above, but attend church? It is difficult to give a definition to something as complicated as a religion. How do you define Muslim? How do you define Hindu? Why bother defining it in the first place? If someone is a good person and has values people could look at as "Christian", are they? It's difficult to say.

Christianity alone has several sects. How do you think a person from each sect would define "Christian"?


"There is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life."-Tombstone

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Well, I love thinking about paradoxes. They stretch my brain and the debates on how to solve them can go on for quite some time. So I have decided to dedicate a blog to some paradoxes I enjoy, and give a general overview of why they are paradoxes. The first:
"Can God create a rock that He cannot pick up?" At first, I thought, "Of course He can! He's God, He does what He wants." But then I realized that God is supposed to be all-powerful. A rock that cannot be lifted by anybody SHOULD be lifted by Him, quite easily. He can create a rock and choose not to lift it, but can He really create something that is beyond His own power if He is all-powerful?

Second paradox: "If Pinocchio says that his nose is about to grow, does it?" The easiest way for me to describe that paradox..Well, I can't, so my friend Dave will. "The only reason it's true is because it's a lie." HOWEVER, if his nose grows, it's now a true statement...So his nose SHOULDN'T grow...Because he didn't lie. Have fun with that one.

Final paradox, and one that doesn't really need explaining. It cannot be explained, really. Again, have fun. "Everything I say is a lie."

.....I feel like The Riddler.

How would you respond to these paradoxes?


"There is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life." -Tombstone

Nature, Nurture, and Homosexuality

This is a response to Courtney's question. She asked if it is nature or nurture that creates homosexuality in a person. Everyone surely has a different opinion on the subject, but I believe it is fully related to nature. It is something that the person is born with, they don't learn it.
I have several friends that are homosexual and I've asked them what they think about this subject. All of them have agreed with me, saying that it is "ridiculous" to think that someone learns to be gay or is "turned gay." As a friend of mine just said, "It's something you are born with and discover."
Other people argue that they know many people who have been bisexual one day and straight the next. It is a valid point, I know of several people who went through that as well. I believe this is just a phase of experimentation that people go through, and may or may not reflect upon their true sexual orientation.

In class we talked about the concept of "evil", and whether it actually existed or if it is a fear or hatred we create in response to a threat. My question: Is there any true "evil" or does it depend entirely on perspective?


"There is no normal life, Wyatt, there's just life." -Tombstone